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Enough shouting in anger and indignation and oh so outrage. Enough, sez I.

Enough woe is me I wish life were easier.

Enough crying how dark it is out there.

Enough, enough, enough.

Yep, we’ve all heard enough angry partisans to last us a lifetime. I’ve heard enough indignant mutterings to know you’re indignant. I’ve heard enough outrage to understand some people would rather be perpetually outraged. Enough crying in the dark to see some people are more comfortable in the dark than doing something to turn on a light.

It’s too tiring and draining to be angry and outraged all the time.

I’m going to break out in pursuit of peaceful voices, acceptance, understanding, and laughing. Definitely more laughing needed around here.

One thought on “Enough!

  1. I’ve been laughing at the laughable hobgoblins for a year, now. Every day is a new laugh between anal swabs and wearing multi-layers of masks. That Fauxchi guy keeps me in stitches.

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